Wednesday, November 9, 2016

How we get through this...

So for the next 4 years,
I propose a return to Chivalry.

We men should show the women in our lives,
and every woman we meet
such great care and tenderness.

Every person of color. Great care and affection.

Every person of every kind of gender preference/expression,
every ethnicity, every religion: Great care and tenderness and compassion, and a wish for their happiness.

To rid the world of hate we must begin with ourselves.

Even the poorest teller at the grocery store, the waitress, the garbage collector, the man or woman who cleans the toilets at the office building. Great care, and respect.

This is how we will get through this:

We will start behaving and living
with utmost regard to our highest principles.

And what are our highest principles?
Truth? Nonviolence? Universal Compassion?

(those are my suggestions)

Let us use our mind skillfully
and practice action which is not motivated by
greed or hatred.

Let us use our voice
to express a POSITIVE VISION
of what we want to be.

And a commitment to live to be
consistent with our chosen moral principles always.

I suggest beginning each day with GRATITUDE.
We all have so much to be grateful for.

My favorite compassion practice
is called Metta. It is a Buddhist thing.

Here is a short introduction to the practice:

This video is part of a meditation practice.
Practice means "time spent doing it".


May you, and all beings
be happy and free from suffering :)
-- ancient Buddhist Prayer (Metta)

May you, and all beings
be happy and free from suffering :)
-- ancient Buddhist Prayer (Metta)

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